QA Scorecards
Updated over a week ago

QA Scorecards are the unique identifiers you and your team will use when scoring a ticket or interaction. These helps to provide consistency, clarity and uniformity across your QA reviews, and further help define what skills or areas your team members should be focused on. Team leaders cannot create or edit scorecards, so they will not see the "scorecard" section in their dropdown menu. Team Leaders will be able to see the scorecard drop down after starting a QA session to pick which scorecard they are using for a review.

Creating QA Scorecards

Creating, editing, archiving and viewing scorecards can be done within your QA Settings. Click on the gear icon in the top right of your account and click into the QA tile.


When creating a new scorecard, you will be required to enter a scorecard name, and at least one question and answer. Required fields (indicated with a *) cannot be left blank.

You can reorder questions or answers using the drag and drop option. Simply click and hold on the six stacked dots at the center-top of each question card, and drag that question into the order you'd like it to appear during scoring.



You can set any individual answer as an auto-fail using the auto-fail dropdown on the right-hand side of each answer option. If an auto-fail answer is selected during the scoring process, the review will automatically receive a score of 0%.

Include N/A option

If you turn on Include N/A option (below all answers in that question), reviewers see an N/A option for that question during the review that enables them to exclude that question from the calculation of the final score. Use this option only when the question does not always apply to every interaction. For example, a question might ask whether the Team Member used the customer's name in greeting, but the customer's name might not be available to the Team Member.

Note: If you want to use N/A as an answer, and you would also like points for that answer used in the final interaction score, do not turn on Include N/A option for that question. Instead, add a specific answer for N/A, and assign a Score to that answer.

Adding Sections

We recommend that you logically group your questions into sections e.g. Greeting, Resolution, Company Voice, etc. Utilizing sections in your scorecards makes scoring easier for graders and provides an opportunity to report on performance at the section level.

To add a section to your scorecard, click the Add Section option above or below your questions.


You can reorder sections using the up/down arrows next to the section name.

While we do allow re-ordering of questions within sections, we do not support moving questions from one section to another. If you need to move a question from one section to another, delete the question in the first section and recreate it in the section you'd like it to appear inside of instead.

Section Weighting

You have the ability to weight sections while creating your scorecard, as well. Weighting your sections will not impact the total point value of a review, but will impact the final score percentage breakdown.


Section Name

Total Points





Company Voice



If section weighting is enabled for your scorecard, the final score will be calculated to match the appropriate weight given to each section of the scorecard. In the example above, if the agent receives 10 points for the Opening section and 0 points for the Company Voice section, the final score will be 40%. Without section weighting, the final score would be 50%.

The decision to use section weighting or not is up to you!

To enable section weighting, click the Weight option to the left of the green Save Scorecard button. Add weighting distribution, and click Confirm Distribution. Be sure that total weighting adds up to 100%!


Editing Scorecards

We allow unlimited editing of scorecards without any associated reviews.

For any scorecard with associated reviews, we only allow edits that do not impact historical scores, including updates to the scorecard name, question names, answer names, or descriptions. All other elements will be uneditable. If you need to make major changes, including editing question scores or adding/removing questions or sections, you should duplicate your scorecard and edit, or manually create a new scorecard to use moving forward.

Note: While we do allow limited editing to scorecards with existing reviews, we recommend only making changes to language and grammar, otherwise historical reviews may be impacted.

To edit an existing scorecard, simply click Edit to the right of your scorecard's name on the Scorecards list, and edit as you would while creating.


You also have the option to duplicate your scorecard from the Scorecards list to make the process of beginning a new, similarly structured scorecard easier.

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