Updated over a week ago

QA is a robust feature that is important for the seamless ticket quality coaching your organization needs. Below are some frequently asked questions, which will be updated often!

Are the assignment filters cumulative or singular? Will I get one assigned ticket that is phone and 5 star, or will I get two tickets, 1 phone, 1 five star?

The number of tickets you place per filter is representative of 1 ticket. While the tickets you review may coincidentally contain two of those filters, the set up of the assignment will assign one ticket with one of those specifications each. You can see the impact of this in the total chart to the right, as you add more tickets to the filters.


Can I QA a ticket that doesn't have a survey response? What about a ticket that was suppressed, and doesn't have a survey sent to the customer?

The answer is yes! a client can QA any interaction that occurs in their CRM and is passed over to Stella Connect via our API. So you can QA an interaction even if the do_not_send_stella survey tag is applied. and you can QA an interaction even if a customer didn't reply to the survey!

Where is the best place to locate all completed reviews?

You can find this information on the Reviews Dashboard. Simply click QA in your navbar then click Dashboard. This will start with showing you your organizations metrics, but the Completed Reviews section at the top will have all of the reviews done by your team. You can export these in the top right hand corner.

You can also find this information by going to QA Reporting > Team Members and scrolling down to "Team Members." On the very right of each name is a "See Reviews" button.

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