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Service Recovery Trends Dashboard
Updated over 4 years ago

The Service Recovery Dashboard is a high level view of the Service Recovery process and its success. It highlights the recovery funnel, tags included in Do Not Sends and Follow-Ups, and a team member breakdown of recovery success.

This can only be seen by Company Admins and Team Leads.

Recovery Funnel


This represents the number of eligible service recoveries and their journey through the funnel. It shows the number of Recovery eligible surveys who were followed up upon, then how many of those follow up got responses and how many of those responses were recovered.



These charts show us the percentage of recoveries that included the top 10 tags in both Do Not Send and Follow up categories.

Recovery By Team Member


A list of recovery metrics per team member in the time frame chosen. You can see the percentage of eligible surveys that were recovered, the number of follow-ups sent, the number of responses and how many of those were successfully recovered.

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