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Bulk Updating User Profiles
Updated over 10 months ago

Bulk Updating User Profiles

We've made it pretty easy to create your team in Agent Connect, but the reality is, teams change and grow so keeping all of that team data up-to-date can be an overwhelming task. We know you're busy and saving time is always the goal, so we provide the option for you to bulk update your team's profiles all in one go.

What you can update:

  • All users can be updated through this process.

  • Email addresses and custom employee IDs can be bulk updated, as well as basic profile information like profiles bios, hometowns, and names.

  • You can reassign users to report to a new Team Leader in the bulk update process, or change their enabled support channels.

  • Users who have the ‘Can Manage Team’ setting marked as ‘Yes’, such Team Leaders and Admins, cannot be reassigned to report to a different Team Leader and cannot be deactivated through the bulk process. You'll want to complete these processes by editing profiles manually after all direct reports have been reassigned to a new Team Lead.

  • Profile photos cannot be updated in bulk, but most other profile fields can be!

How To Bulk Update User Profiles:

  1. On the Manage Team page, click on the Bulk Actions button and select Bulk Update Users from the dropdown menu.

  2. Click on the Download Current Team button to download a spreadsheet that shows all of your team's profiles, even deactivated ones.

  3. Make updates as necessary. All required fields will need to be completed for this process to work. Remove deactivated team members with incomplete profiles before trying to upload the updated file.

  4. Save the file as Unicode text or UTF-16 Unicode -- this is vitally important! The file cannot be uploaded unless it is saved in one of these formats!

  5. Upload the edited file on the Bulk Update page in Stella Connect.

  6. The next page will show you a preview with errors highlighted in red and successful changes highlighted in green.

  7. Click confirm at the bottom of the preview page to process all changes. Changes may take a couple of minutes to finish processing. We'll send you an email if there are any issues making the changes so that you can review and re-upload, if necessary.

Note: If there is an error while processing the changes, none of the changes will be saved. This allows you to go back and start over without being in a partially updated state.


Once you get the hang of the process, bulk update becomes a simple task to carry out once a week or once per month to keep your team's profile information up-to-date.

Profiles can also be updated via our User Provisioning API. If your team is interested in implementing a user management process via API, you can access our API docs here.

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